Dismas, the Good Thief (Robber, Outlaw, Murderer) and Forgiveness

The following paragraphs are taken from the book The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, translated by Sir Michael Palairet, First published by Burns and Oates, Limited, London, England 1954.

From “The Flight Into Egypt”
“. . .At last I saw the Holy Family . . . pass over a mountain-ridge into a wild and lonely region.  It was dark, and the way led past a wood.  In front of this wood, at some distance from the path, I saw a poor hut, and not far from it a light hanging in a tree, which could be seen from a long way off, to attract travelers.  This part of the road was sinister:  trenches had been dug in it here and there, and there were also trenches all round the hut.  Hidden cords were stretched across the good parts of the road, and when touched by travelers rang bells in the hut and brought out its thieving inhabitants to plunder them.  This robbers’ hut was not always in the same place, it could be moved about and put up wherever its inhabitants wanted it.

 “When the Holy Family approached the light hanging in the tree, I saw the leader of the robbers with five of his companions closing round them.  At first they were evilly disposed, but I saw that at the sight of the Infant Jesus a ray, like an arrow, struck the heart of the leader, who ordered his comrades to do no harm to these people.  The Blessed Virgin also saw this ray strike the robber’s heart, as she later recounted to Anna the prophetess when she returned.

 “The robber now led the Holy Family through the dangerous places to the road into his hut.  It was night.  In the hut was the robber’s wife with some children.  The man told his wife of the strange sensation that had come over him at the sight of the Child.  She received the Holy Family shyly, but was not unfriendly.  The travelers sat on the ground in a corner, and began to eat some of the provisions which they had with them.  The people in the hut were at first awkward and shy (quite unlike, it seemed, their usual behaviour), but gradually drew nearer and nearer to the Holy Family.  Some of the other men, who had in the meantime stabled Joseph’s donkey, came in and out, and eventually they all became more familiar and began to talk to the travelers.  The woman brought Mary little loaves of bread with honey and fruit, as well as goblets with drink.  A fire was burning in a hollow in a corner of the hut.  The woman arranged a separate place for the Blessed Virgin, and brought at her request a trough with water for washing the Infant Jesus.  She washed the linen for her and dried it at the fire.  Mary bathed the Infant Jesus under a cloth.  The man was very much agitated and said to his wife:  ‘This Hebrew child is no ordinary child, he is a holy child.  Ask his mother to allow us to wash our leprous little boy in his bath-water, perhaps it will do him good.’  As the woman came up to Mary to ask her this, Our Lady told her, before she had said a word, to wash her leprous boy in the bath-water.  The woman brought her three-year-old son lying in her arms.  He was stiff with leprosy and his features could not be seen for scabs.  The water in which Jesus had been bathed seemed clearer than it had been before, and as soon as the leprous child had been dipped into it, the scales of his leprosy fell off him to the ground and the child was cleansed.  The woman was beside herself with joy and tried to embrace Mary and the Infant Jesus, but Mary put out her hand and would not let her touch either herself or Jesus.  . . . The people were extremely happy at the restoration of their child to health, and showed him to their comrades who came in and out during the night, telling them of the blessing that had befallen them.  The new arrivals, some of them boys, stood round the Holy Family and gazed at them in wonderment.  It was all the more remarkable that these robbers were so respectful to the Holy Family, because in the very same night, while they were housing these holy guests, I saw them seizing some other travelers who had been enticed into their lair by the light and driving them into a great cave deep in the wood.  This cave, whose entrance was hidden and grown over by wild plants so that it could not be seen, seemed to be their real dwelling-place.  I saw several boys in this cave, from seven to nine years of age, who had been stolen from their parents; and there was an old woman who kept house there.  I saw all kinds of booty being brought in – clothes, carpets, meat, young kids, sheep, and bigger animals too.  The cave was big and contained an abundance of things.”

“I saw that Mary slept little that night; she sat still on her couch most of the time.  They left early in the morning, well supplied with provisions.  The people of the place accompanied them a short way, and led them past many trenches on to the right road.  When the robbers took leave of the Holy Family, the man said with deep emotion:  ‘Remember us wherever you go.’  At these words I suddenly saw a picture of the Crucifixion, and saw the Good Thief saying to Jesus, ‘Remember me when Thou shalt come into Thy kingdom’, and recognized in him the boy who had been healed.. . .”

 Approximately thirty-two years later –

 The following paragraphs are taken from the book The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Translation published circa 1928 by Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd., London

 “. . .During the time of the crucifixion of Jesus, the two thieves were left lying on the ground at some distance off; their arms were fastened to the crosses on which they were to be executed and a few soldiers stood near on guard.  The accusation which had been proved against them was that of having assassinated a Jewish woman who, with her children, was travelling from Jerusalem to Joppa.  They were arrested, under the disguise of rich merchants, at a castle in which Pilate resided occasionally, when employed in exercising his troops, and they had been imprisoned for a long time before being brought to trial.  The thief placed on the left-hand side was much older than the other; a regular miscreant, who had corrupted the younger.  They were commonly called Dismas and Gesmas, and as I forget their real names I shall distinguish them by these terms, calling the good one Dismas, and the wicked one Gesmas.  Both the one and the other belonged to a band of robbers who infested the frontiers of Egypt; and it was in a cave inhabited by these robbers that the Holy Family took refuge when flying into Egypt, at the time of the massacre of the Innocents.  The poor leprous child, who was instantly cleansed by being dipped in the water which had been used for washing the infant Jesus, was no other than this Dismas, and the charity of his mother, in receiving and granting hospitality to the Holy Family, had been rewarded by the cure of her child;. . .  Dismas knew nothing at all about Jesus, but as his heart was not hardened, the sight of the extreme patience of our Lord moved him much.  When the executioners had finished putting up the cross of Jesus, they ordered the thieves to rise without delay, and they loosened their fetters in order to crucify them at once, as the sky was becoming very cloudy and bore every appearance of an approaching storm.  After giving them some myrrh and vinegar, they stripped off their ragged clothing, tied ropes round their arms, and by the help of small ladders dragged them up to their places on the cross.  The executioners then bound the arms of the thieves to the cross, with cords made of the bark of trees, and fastened their wrists, elbows, knees and feet in like manner, drawing the cords so tight that their joints cracked, and the blood burst out.  They uttered piercing cries, and the good thief exclaimed as they were drawing him up, ‘This torture is dreadful, but if they had treated us as they treated the poor Galilean, we should have been dead long ago.’”

 “. . .The crosses of the two thieves were placed, the one to the right and the other to the left of Jesus; there was sufficient space left for a horseman to ride between them.  Nothing can be imagined more distressing than the appearance of the thieves on their crosses; they suffered terribly, and the one on the left hand side never ceased cursing and swearing.  The cords with which they were tied were very tight, and caused great pain; their countenances were livid, and their eyes inflamed and ready to start from the sockets.  The height of the crosses of the two thieves was much less than that of our Lord.”

 “. . .The countenance and whole body of Jesus became even more colourless; he appeared to be on the point of fainting, and Gesmas (the wicked thief) exclaimed, ‘The demon by whom he is possessed is about to leave him.’  . . . Jesus raised his head a little, and said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’  And Gesmas cried out, ‘If thou art the Christ, save thyself and us.’  Dismas (the good thief) was silent, but he was deeply moved at the prayer of Jesus for his enemies.  . . . The prayers of Jesus obtained for the good thief a most powerful grace; he suddenly remembered that it was Jesus and Mary who had cured him of leprosy in his childhood, and he exclaimed in a loud and clear voice, ‘How can you insult him when he prays for you?  He has been silent, and suffered all your outrages with patience; he is truly a Prophet – he is our King – he is the Son of God.’  This unexpected reproof from the lips of a miserable malefactor who was dying on a cross caused a tremendous commotion among the spectators; they gathered up stones, and wished to throw them at him; but the centurion Abenadar would not allow it.”

 “. . .Dismas said to Gesmas, who was still blaspheming Jesus, ‘Neither dost thou fear God, seeing thou are under the same condemnation.  And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reqard of our deeds; but this man hath done no evil.  Remember thou art now at the point of death, and repent.”  He was enlightened and touched:  he confessed his sins to Jesus, and said:  ‘Lord, if thou condemnest me it will be with justice.’  And Jesus replied, ‘Thou shalt experience my mercy.”  Dismas, filled with the most perfect contrition, began instantly to thank God for the great graces he had received, and to reflect over the manifold sins of his past life.”

 “. . . Towards the sixth hour, according to the manner of counting of the Jews, the sun was suddenly darkened.  . . . The sky grew darker and the stars appeared to cast a red and lurid light.  Both men and beasts were struck with terror; the enemies of Jesus ceased reviling him, while the Pharisees endeavoured to give philosophical reasons for what was taking place, but they failed in their attempt, and were reduced to silence.  . . .Dismas then raised his head, and in a tone of humility and hope said to Jesus, ‘Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom.”  And Jesus made answer, ‘Amen, I say to thee, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise.’

 The thing is, because Jesus was a human being – one head, two arms, two legs and worked the same as every other human being – He had a soul.

 “. . .The hour of our Lord was at last come; his death-struggle had commenced; a cold sweat overspread every limb.  John stood at the foot of the Cross, and wiped the feet of Jesus with his scapular.  Magdalen was crouched to the ground in a perfect frenzy of grief behind the Cross.  The Blessed Virgin stood between Jesus and the good thief, supported by Salome and Mary of Cleophas, with her eyes riveted on the countenance of her dying Son.  Jesus then said:  ‘It is consummated;’ and, raising his head, cried out in a loud voice, ‘Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.’  These words, which he uttered in a clear and thrilling tone, resounded through heaven and earth; and a moment after, he bowed down his head and gave up the ghost.  I saw his soul, under the appearance of a bright meteor, penetrate the earth at the foot of the Cross.”

 “. . .Limbo, the place where the souls were waiting for the Redemption, was divided into different compartments, and encompassed by a thick foggy atmosphere.  Our Lord appeared radiant with light and surrounded by angels, who conducted him triumphantly between two of these compartments; the one on the left containing the patriarchs who lived before the time of Abraham, and that on the right those who lived between the days of Abraham and St. John Baptist.  . . . The soul of our Lord then wended its way to the right, towards that part which really constituted Limbo; and there he met the soul of the good thief. . .as also that of the bad thief.”

 “. . .I next saw innumerable bands of redeemed souls liberated from Purgatory and from Limbo, who followed our Lord to a delightful spot situated above the celestial Jerusalem. . . .  The soul of the good thief was likewise taken there, and the promise of our Lord, ‘This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise,’ was fulfilled.”

And so like Dismas, the Good Thief, we must speak to Jesus while the soul is with the human being on the earth so that the human being can “settle his accounts” with Jesus before the soul goes back home to His Heaven for the very last time.

Consider:  What is sin?  Sin is an offense against God.  And how do we offend God?  By breaking His Ten Commandments.  Therefore, a sinner is one who has broken God’s Ten Commandments. 

And if a human being creates a rule or law that is contrary to God’s Commandments, then the human being’s law may not be followed.  For example, abortion and the death penalty are laws both contrary to God’s Commandments – Thou shalt not kill. 

And how do we keep the Ten Commandments?  We ask Jesus, God’s Son, to help us.

All Souls Home to Heaven!!!

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