Letter to U.S. Congress July 2019 and Letter to U.S. Congress July 2014

The following letter was faxed to those members of the U. S. Senate and the U. S. House of Representatives who have working facsimile numbers.  One letter was sent via U.S. Postal Service to Representative Nancy Pelosi. 
July 16, 2019
Re:      President Trump’s Remarks Regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin February 2017

Please consider that you have no power over any human being.  No man has power over any other man and no man answers to any other man, only to God.  And please remember that we are in God’s world, not He in ours.

Please consider a comment President Trump made in 2017 regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin:

[President] “Trump says he respects Putin during a Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly.  [President] Trump defends Putin when O’Reilly calls him a killer.

“There are a lot of killers,” [Mr.] Trump says.  “Do you think our country is so innocent?  Do you think our country is so innocent?[“]  February 6, 20171

Please consider a human being – one head, two arms, two legs and works the same as every other human being. 

Consider how we kill human beings:  the civil death penalty, murder, abortion, suicide, assisted suicide (euthanasia).  And so on and so forth.

Please consider the definition of “murder.”  “murder n.  the killing of a human being by a sane person, with intent, malice aforethought (prior intention to kill the particular victim or anyone who gets in the way) and with no legal excuse or authority. In those clear circumstances, this is first degree murder. . . . Death of an unborn child who is "quick" (fetus is moving) can be murder, provided there was premeditation, malice and no legal authority. Thus, abortion is not murder under the law.”2

Please consider the definition of “mass murderer.”  “Definition of mass murderer:  a person who has killed many people”.3

Please consider the definition of “abortion”:
“Abortion as a term most commonly - and in the statistics presented here - refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages.
“"This year" refers to the period from Jan 1 at 00:00 up to now.
“The data on abortions displayed on the Worldometers' counter is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO). . . .
“According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions.  This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. 
“In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion4, there are over 3,000 abortions per day.  Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.”4

The thing is when you are involved with an abortion in any way, either man or woman, it is very easy to commit a second murder.  There are those in prison who can attest to this fact.

Please consider the definition of “infanticide.”  “Infanticide refers to the act of killing of a newborn child. Infanticide is usually committed by the parents or with their consent. It is also known as child destruction or neonaticide.”5

Consider the words of Jesus to Sister Mary Ephrem at Our Lady of America on July 11, 1954.  “Children are not taught to love Me, because those who have charge over them have no time or patience to do so.  My heart grieves over My children in the world.  Their hearts are being drawn farther and farther away from Me.  They will not even listen to My Mother, because they have never been taught to listen.  My Father is angry.  If My children will not listen to My Heart, which is a Voice of mercy and instruction, punishment will come swiftly and none shall be able to stay it.  The pleadings of My Heart have held back the divine justice about to descend on an ungrateful and sinful generation.  

“Woe to parents who set a bad example to their children!  Terrible will be their judgment.  I will demand a strict account of every soul entrusted to their care.  Woe to parents who teach their children how to gain materially in this world and neglect to prepare them for the next!  Woe to children who disobey and show disrespect towards their parents!  ‘Honor thy father and thy mother.’  On this shall they be judged most severely.”6

Please consider how one murder can lead to another.  The thing is in order to carry out the civil death penalty, abortion, assisted suicide, etc., you need at least one other person to perform or assist in the act of murder.

Please consider the Ten Commandments and in particular, the Fifth Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.”  The thing is God gave Moses those Commandments not only in response to their asking how human beings can live with one another, but because God knew that when human beings break these Commands, something happens to them – interiorly, within themselves – and they are never the same people.

The thing is when you walk along in the world and find that you have taken a wrong turn and made a wrong decision to have an abortion, assist at a suicide, etc., everything we do from that point forward is based on that wrong decision.  The thing is some human beings “shut down” – close their mind to all other human beings and when offered help, like a wolf, snap and snarl until the help goes away.  Or they may “act out” – those human beings who walk along the streets saying inane things, refusing good help, rejecting those who may be making fun of them, but rejecting all.  These are the souls of Hell.  The thing is we become our souls when our body dies.  And death is a given – every human being dies.

Please pray that the hearts of those who cannot see human beings as human beings may be granted that sight from Heaven so that their hearts may be softened and peace may return to those who live in the United States of America.

Sincerely yours, 
cc:       Donald J. Trump
           President, United States of America
1Taken from the CNN Politics Website, © 2017 Cable News Network.  Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  CNN Sans™ & © 2016 Cable News Network.  
2Taken from the website “Law.com”, Copyright © 2019 ALM Media Properties, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
3Taken from the website “Merriam-Webster”, © 2019 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
4Taken from the Worldometers Website, © Copyright Worldometers.Info – All Rights Reserved.  Website citations omitted.
5Taken from the website “USLegal.com”, © Copyright 1997-2019 airSlate Legal Forms, Inc. d/b/a USLegal
6Taken from the website www.ourladyofamerica.org, © 2019 Our Lady of America
The following letter was sent to every Senator and Representative of the United States Congress.
July 15, 2014
To:  The Honorable Senator or Representative
The Honorable Senator or Representative:
Please consider that you have no power over any human being.  No man has power over any other man and no man answers to any other man, only to God.  And please remember that we are in God’s world, not He in ours.
Consider how we kill human beings:  the civil death penalty, murder, abortion, suicide, assisted suicide (euthanasia).  Consider what Jesus said to Sister Mary Ephrem at Our Lady of America in Ohio on May 22, 1954:  “. . .if the world is dying, it is because it will not let Me give it life.  I am the resurrection and the life, and unless souls seek their life in Me, they will find only death and destruction.  They fear man-made destroyers of life, yet destruction is in themselves. . . . Implements of war kill only that which is without.  Man kills that within himself which none but he can kill.”*
Are you a human being?  One head, two arms, two legs and work the same as every other human being?  Then you have a soul.
Jesus is talking about the soul as that which is within man.  Souls are immortal and live forever in eternity.  And God the Father runs eternity according to His rules which do not always agree with man’s ideas of the way a kingdom should be run.  Consider the prisons of human beings on earth:  clean clothes, clean living spaces, and three meals a day.  And even if you’re serving a life term, the basics stay the same.  And consider God’s “Big House” prison – Hell.  We usually think of Hell as a place where there is a lot of fire and other awful punishments. 
Please pray that the souls of those firefighters who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 are now part of a fire brigade in eternity, always watching and responding so that no fire shall be used in God’s Hell.
Consider abortion and how King Herod caused Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus to flee into Egypt when Jesus was about nine months old.  Consider how King Herod harassed his country grievously and committed many cruelties during his reign.  Consider how he was unable to tolerate any thought of someone usurping his power, especially a newborn babe.  Consider the Massacre of the Holy Innocents, approximately 700 children. 
King Herod issued an order that all mothers were to bring before the local authorities their male children up to two years old.  The Moms were promised rewards for their fruitfulness.  And so they went to the government offices believing all that was told to them and bringing their little boys in holiday dress.  The husbands were turned back and the mothers were separated from their children. The children were in turn killed by the soldiers behind the walls of lonely courtyards, with their small bodies being buried in mass graves.
Consider the death of King Herod:  In the last days of his life, he committed many murders and caused much anxiety.  He was confined to a room padded with cushions, crawling about and stabbing at anyone who came near him with a spear.
Please vote to defund Obamacare.
Consider the family:  one father, one mother and children.  Consider the words of Jesus to Sister Mary Ephrem at Our Lady of America on July 11 1954.  “Children are not taught to love Me, because those who have charge over them have no time or patience to do so.  My heart grieves over My children in the world.  Their hearts are being drawn farther and farther away from Me.  They will not even listen to My Mother, because they have never been taught to listen.  My Father is angry.  If My children will not listen to My Heart, which is a Voice of mercy and instruction, punishment will come swiftly and none shall be able to stay it.  The pleadings of My Heart have held back the divine justice about to descend on an ungrateful and sinful generation. 
“Woe to parents who set a bad example to their children!  Terrible will be their judgment.  I will demand a strict account of every soul entrusted to their care.  Woe to parents who teach their children how to gain materially in this world and neglect to prepare them for the next!  Woe to children who disobey and show disrespect towards their parents!  ‘Honor thy father and thy mother.’  On this shall they be judged most severely.”* 
And if you want to know why you are in this world, you must ask your father and your mother, for it is they who worked with God to bring you here.  If you want to know how to deal with your father and your mother, you must ask Jesus while you are still here on this His good earth.
Consider the words of Joseph, Jesus’s Dad, to Sister Mary Ephrem on March 18, 1958.  “All fatherhood is blest in me whom the Eternal Father chose as His representative on earth, the Virgin-Father of His own Divine Son.  Through me the Heavenly Father has blessed all fatherhood, and through me He continues and will continue to do so till the end of time. . . . Let fathers also imitate my great purity of life and the deep respect I held for my Immaculate Spouse.  Let them be an example to their children and fellowmen, never willfully doing anything that would cause scandal among God’s people.”*
Note well:  All human beings are God’s people, for God created every human being who ever lived, is living now, or will come to be.  And every human being has a soul.
On March 19, 1957, Joseph told Sister Mary Ephrem, “I was king in the little house of Nazareth, for I sheltered within it the Prince of Peace and the Queen of Heaven.  To me they looked for protection and sustenance, and I did not fail them.”*
Please vote for the Life at Conception Act and all similar bills.
Suicide – any form of it – is covered under the Fifth Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.”  We are commanded by this Commandment to take proper care of our own life and health.
Same sex anything doesn’t work, either in Heaven or on the earth, for souls are not born with proclivities, aberrations or religious affiliations.  If you want to know why you have proclivities or aberrations, you must ask Jesus, for at some time in your life you took a wrong turn. 
Consider:  God has built in to all human beings the love of a father and a mother, hence the Fourth Commandment, Honor thy father and thy mother.  When a human being reaches the teenage years, or earlier, he or she is probably so angry, frustrated and fed up with trying to please his or her father and mother with no success, he or she takes a wrong turn and says, “If you won’t love me, then I’ll find someone who will.  I’ll show you.”  The thing is by becoming involved with someone of the same sex, he or she is sure his or her parent(s) will feel so ashamed and be so embarrassed maybe even looking at their father or mother defiantly and saying “I’ll show you who’s not loved or wanted around here.”  The thing is the parents may just breathe a sigh of relief and say “Thank Heaven he or she has gone.  Now we will have some peace” and totally forget they even have a relative called a son or daughter.
Please pray that God, the Father may remove Barack Obama from the office of President of the United States of America effective immediately and rescind everything – all legislation, executive orders, etc. – that Mr. Obama has done retroactive to the day he took the oath of office for the presidency for the first time.
Please pray that every human being who served in the service of their country, and who was lost on land, at sea or in the air, may be remembered as a soul returning home to His Heaven, just as Jesus’s soul returned home to His Father’s Heaven when He died on the Cross, and that every soul may be waiting in eternity with Jesus to welcome his or her families and friends Home.  Amen.
Sincerely yours,
Bernardette Grant
*The quotations marked with an asterisk (*) are taken from the website www.ourladyofamerica.org, Copyright © 2014 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate – All Rights Reserved

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