There are two places in the Roman Catholic Mass where the Holy Offerings can be made.  The first is right after the sermon when the priest blesses the bread and wine that will be used in the Mass that day.  The second time is at the Consecration of the Mass when the priest consecrates the bread and wine used in the Mass for that day.

For each individual human being who offers these Holy Offerings to Him, God will release souls Home to His Heaven.  Why?  Because every human being in the whole wide world is included in these offerings.

 Holy Offerings of the Mass

Dear Lord, I offer You as part of the Holy Sacrifice of this Mass all those who wish to offer their Holy Offerings as part of this Holy Sacrifice, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered throughout the world this day, this night and so unto tomorrow.

If there is no Mass being offered:  Dear Lord, I offer You in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered throughout the world this day, this night, and so unto tomorrow, all those who wish to offer their Holy Offerings as part of these Holy Sacrifices.

My most wondrous good friends, their families, friends, and relations and all who may be upsetting or persecuting them in any way.

My cousins, their family, friends and relations and all who may be upsetting or persecuting them in any way.

All my other cousins and family members, their families, friends, and relations and all who may be upsetting or persecuting them in any way.

Justina Pelletier, Judge Johnston, the soul of the boy from New Jersey who was murdered in Jerusalem. 

All who are with me and everywhere.

The departed soul of every service person, every human being, who has died in the service of his country – or her country – from Adam and Eve to the present time.

Every service person who is currently serving, has never served, has ever served, in the service of his country – or her country – regardless of the country in the world for which they are serving, for which they have never served, or for which they have ever served.

Regardless of their place of deployment; regardless of their branch of service; regardless of their age; regardless of their nation or nationality; regardless of their disability or disabilities; regardless of their past or current military status; and for those who do serve as mercenaries.

And every member of every family in this whole wide world.

The departed souls for whom these good souls are praying; the murdered souls for whom these good souls are praying; the 20 million good souls for whom these good souls are praying.

And every homeless person in the whole wide world, especially those whom I may see on a daily basis, yearly basis, weekly basis, monthly basis.

Every person, every human being who is in religious life in this whole wide world, especially those who are seminarians, and those who are in monasteries, convents, cloisters, or churches or who are in any facet of religious life.

Every mother who is in childbirth or who will be giving birth this day, this night and so unto tomorrow.  May all of their babies be born happy and healthy.  And may all of the mothers come to know, like, love, nourish and cherish their children all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Him forever and ever.  Amen

For all midwives, doctors, nurses and all those who work with mothers to bring their children into this world.  May they persevere in their professions with increased faith, hope and love, for life and for those whom they may serve as medical professionals.  

For all who are unemployed.  May they find gainful employment that will provide them with the provenance to provide sustenance for themselves, for those who may be dependent on them and for those who may be or who are in need.

For all who are employed.  May they all be gainfully employed and may the provenance from their employment provide sustenance for themselves, for those who may be dependent on them and for those who may be or who are in need.

And for all those who are disabled – paraplegics, quadriplegics, paralytics, ambulatories – those who can walk independently, those who may need a helping hand, or those who may be confined to a wheelchair, bed, or other restrictive device, all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Him forever and ever.  Amen.

And may all those who feel trapped in their minds or bodies because of a disability or disabilities, a brain disorder, from natural causes or from trauma, find peace with Jesus within themselves.  And may they be blessed with family members or caregivers who will guide, guard and protect them all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Him forever and ever.  Amen

For all the blind.  There are so many kinds of blindness.  There is a physical blindness of the eyes from whatever cause.  There is a spiritual blindness; blindness of the heart; blindness of the mind.  For all blindness from which human beings may suffer, may all their blindness be removed and may they walk in the beauty of God’s world all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Him forever and ever.  Amen.

For all professors, teachers, and educators.  May they come to teach only what is just and right for all from the very youngest to the very oldest students.  And may their teaching enlighten the minds and hearts of all, who hear them.  And may they grade all fairly, using the teachings and wisdom of God, the Father and His Ten Commandments, and the parables and teachings of Jesus, His Son, to guide, guard and protect them all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Them forever and ever.  Amen.

For all those who have been maimed, hurt, or harmed in any way, especially human being boys, the youngest and most vulnerable of all good souls, by those who misuse scalpels, knives and other instruments as a means of changing God’s natural way of creating life, changing a sex life.

May God return all the body parts so wrongfully taken from these good souls so that they may be returned to the Image of God.  And if you want to know what God looks like, look at His Son, Jesus, on His cross.  And may all those who work and pray ceaselessly to restore life to those human beings so that they too might live, find peace with Jesus and His Father, God, in Eternity with Them forever and ever.  Amen

For all judges and lawyers and for all those who are in the legal profession.  May they be granted the wisdom to know right from wrong; the wisdom to know they are judging human beings; and the wisdom to render fair and impartial decisions in all the matters which may come before them.  And may all their matters be reviewed by the Chief Justice of All, God, the Father, according to His laws, the Ten Commandments, before being rendered.  Amen

For all journalists, communicators, people who work in the media.  May they come to know, write and report only that which is factual, and which can be understood and believed by all.  And may their stories be based on truth, as from God, the Father, for the benefit of all human beings and which will last to the end of time.  Amen.

For all U.S. of A. federal, state and governing officials and their employees; and all officials and employees, governing or not, of all forms of government throughout the world.

For all air traffic controllers; airline pilots and all pilots and their crews; all airline employees and for all those who service the airlines.  May the Angels guide, guard and protect them and their aircraft -- airplanes, helicopters and jets -- to a safe touchdown and landing on a safe runway, in a safe haven, safe port.  Amen.

For all those who have survived an air crash, those who have been injured in any way in an air crash, and those who have died in an air crash.

For all Native Americans, regardless of their Nation, their Tribe or their physical location.  May the Great White Father, God, and His Son, the Indian Prince, Jesus, guide, guard and protect them all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Them forever and ever.  Amen

For all those who explore God's universe, from the depth of the oceans, to the breath-taking realms of the stars and the planets, and all space in between.

For all U.S. of A. federal, state and governing officials and their employees, and those who may work with them; and for all officials and employees, governing or not, of all forms of government throughout the world.

For all prisoners, especially those on Death Row.  May they find the strength and courage, even in their very last nanoseconds on this His good earth, to say, “I forgive those who may have wronged me; I beg pardon of all those whom I may have wronged.  Father, please welcome me home to Your Heaven.”  Amen

For all those who are involved in any way in executions, especially those who may sign a death warrant, those who may administer a lethal injection, those who may pull a trigger on a gun, those who may turn a switch for electricity, those who may cause a trap door to open, those who may cause a canister of gas to open, to end the life of a human being.  And for all those who fight to end the death penalty and executions.

For all First Responders, including firefighters, policemen, paramedics and EMT’s, and especially those who have lost their lives while responding; those who have become disabled while responding; and those who are still responding.  May those First Responders who have died be now safely Home in His Heaven.  May those First Responders who are disabled find the strength and courage to respond to a life changed by their choosing a life as a First Responder.  And may those First Responders who are still responding be guided and guarded by those who have gone before them with courage and perseverance all the days of their lives to come here on this His good earth and so unto Eternity with Him forever and ever.  Amen

And for widows and widowers and orphans – May they come to know and understand that all those who loved them, cherished, and nourished them, guided, guarded and protected them while they were here on this His good Earth have gone Home to His Heaven for the very last time.  And may those who are still on the earth mourning their passing, find their cherished ones watching and waiting for them, with Jesus, when their souls are called Home to His Heaven for the very last time.

For all grandparents who love their grandchildren and who are willing and able to care for them.  For those grandparents who are lukewarm about caring for their grandchildren.  And for those grandparents who do not want to be involved with their grandchildren’s lives but do so under duress.  And for those grandparents who do not want to be involved with their grandchildren's lives and who are not involve with their grandchildren's lives.

And for all Fathers and Mothers, especially those who are loving and kind to their children because they really want them and really love them.  And all those Fathers and Mothers who have abortions in their past and who are struggling with the effects of abortion in their private lives especially those who truly want children but are unsure of how to deal with them. 

And every child in the whole wide world.  Especially those who are homeless;

            The 12 million plus children who are homeless and abandoned in the U.S. of A.;

            And every homeless child in the whole wide world.

Those children who are in orphans.

Those children who are in orphanages, and who are just beginning, getting into or ending their day or days as orphans.

Those children who are in religious life.

Those children who are in prison,

Those children who are in the military.

Those children who are in military schools.

And all of us who are without families, friends and relations to guide, guard and protect us through our lives.

And all those who are without families, friends and relations to guide, guard and protect them through their lives.

And "We God's children are not for sale."  (From the movie "Sound of Freedom".)

And every human being, every child who is in any and every hospital, anywhere and everywhere in this whole wide world, especially those who are in Boston Child’s, Philly Child’s, CHOP, Philadelphia Children’s, all of the Shriner’s Hospitals (every single one of them), all of the Easter Seals Children (every single one of them), St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, all of the Jewish hospitals (every single one of them), St. Joseph’s - Paterson and Passaic.

And all of the research hospitals.

And every doctor in every research hospital.

And every doctor, nurse and health care worker in the whole wide world.

The New York Foundling Hospital

The Diocese of Paterson; Diocese of Trenton; Diocese of Camden; Diocese of Metuchen; Diocese of Newark and all the Dioceses of Newark; Archdiocese of New York; and every parish and diocese in the whole wide world.

St. Louis:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

Louisville:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Charles:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

Nashville:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

Saint Maarten, the Island:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Joseph:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Martine:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Christina:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Bridget's:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Caterina's:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Charlotte:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Lucia's:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

Katrina:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

St. Benedict:  Children's hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

Joplin, Missouri and every city and state in the U.S. of A. and every city, state and country in the whole wide world:  Children’s hospitals, all of our hospitals and all of us.

Philly:  All of us!

And any and every hospital, anywhere and everywhere in China, Shanghai, Taipei; Mongolia; Japan, Tokyo, Okinawa, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Hong Kong, Taiwan; Seoul, North Korea, South Korea; Vietnam, Saigon; Philippines, Mindanao, Manila, Jakarta and all of the cities and towns of the Philippines; Indonesia, Micronesia, Polynesia; Malaysia, the Marianas, Saipan.

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Tibet, the Maldives; Indian Ocean.

And all of the countries of Asia.

En Canada:  All of the Canadian people, especially those who work in the towing industry.  May those who deal with the wreckage of tractor-trailers, tankers and other vehicles, in their enormity, simplicity or complexity be gifted with the ability to find a way to bring the wrecks and their drivers and cargoes home to safe haven, safe port, so that they may be counted as part of God's world and not forgotten as insurance or other write-offs.

En North America:  Newfoundland, the U.S. of A. and all of the countries of North America.

En Europe:  Ukraine, Bulgaria, Budapest, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, England, United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales, Lapland, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark; Russia, Poland, Kosovo, Latvia, Sarajevo, Estonia, Croatia, Predjama, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Turkey, Greece, and all of the countries of Europe.

En Afrique – Africa

Ethiopia, Algeria, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Horn of Africa, Israel, Gaza, Benin, Zanzibar, Botswana

All of Africa

En Australia – En Australia; en Canberra.  Please remember the boys whose fathers are from Australia.

En New Zealand; En Oceania.  And all of the islands of the Pacific, especially little Tonga which is recovering from its volcanic eruption, and Maui which is recovering from wildfires.

 En Antarctique – Antarctica

Arctic area or region; Denali.  All of the countries of the High Arctic.

And South America, Central America, Latin America.

And all of the countries of South America:  Argentina, Bolivia, Bogota, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.

And all of the countries of Central America:  Ecuador – Sí; Guatemala -- Sí; New Mexico – Sí; Mexico – Sí.  Costa Rica -- Sí.

And all of the countries of Latin America – Sí.

All of the islands of the Caribbean, and the Caribbean area or region, especially Puerto Rico which is recovering from hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and mudslides.

All of their families, friends and relations and all who may be upsetting or persecuting them in any way.


Copyright Bernardette Grant 2022, 2023, 2024 All Rights Reserved

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