Pope Francis and The Idol, Letter to Pope Francis

Please consider:
1.         Why is there an idol on Vatican grounds to begin with?  The thing is God, the Father is not partial to idols of any kind.  Please recall:  “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.”  The thing is we are in God’s world, not He in ours.  Everything is God’s including the idol and whatever materials it may be made from.

            We may recall Jesus’s words:  “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”  Matthew 22:21.  The thing is because we are in God’s world, everything is God’s, including Mr. Caesar and all of his things.

2.         Why did Pope Francis bless this idol?  Was the Pope praying for the people who made this idol that they might be converted to Catholicism?  Was he asking for prayers for those who worship (worshipped) the idol?  And if you do want to destroy the idol, having been blessed, how do you destroy it?  Perhaps as you would an altar that is being dismantled?  The thing is I don’t know.  Only Pope Francis knows what he had in mind when he blessed the image.

            Please consider that God, the Father creates each and every human being from Adam and Eve to the present 7 or 8 billion human beings currently occupying His good earth.  And if you want to know why you are here on the earth, you must ask your father and your mother for it is they who worked with God, the Father to bring you here.

            When God creates a new human being, He gives that human being a soul.  And souls are not born with religious affiliations, aberrations or proclivities.  And it is the soul which gives life to the human being’s body and which grows with the human being’s body.  And when the human being dies, it is the soul which returns home to Eternity, to Jesus, Who is the Just Judge and the Gatekeeper to God’s Heaven for His judgment.

            The thing is there is no Christian or Jewish or Muslim or Protestant Heaven.  Heaven is populated only with souls who were once in human beings’ body.  And God, the Father can name each and every soul in Eternity.  And He can name each and every skull and skeletal system that may ever be unearthed by human beings on the earth.

            The thing is when God set Adam and Eve back down on the earth, “God blessed them, saying to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply.’”  Genesis 1:28  And so they did.  Man roamed the earth and filled every corner.  And here we are today, still trying to find a way to live with each other and not mass murder each other in the process.

            Please pray that we may survive the current wave of mass murders in our country, that is, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, civil death penalty, mass shootings, etc.  God bless you.

Copyright Bernardette Grant 2019 All Rights Reserved
The following letter was sent to Pope Francis on November 3, 2018 via Regular United States Mail:

His Holiness, Pope Francis
Saint Martha House
00120 Città del Vaticano , Vatican City

Most Holy Father:

Please consider that you have no power over any human being.  No man has power over any other man and no man answers to any other man, only to God, the Father.

Please consider that we are in God’s world, not He in ours.  Please consider that the church which Jesus, the human being, Son of Man, Son of God, established when He was on the earth is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.

The Bottom Line:  The Pope, the Archbishops, the Bishops, the Cardinals, the Monsignors – all are priests.  All priests are human beings.  All human beings have souls.  And all souls go home to Eternity when the human being’s body dies.  The Roman Catholic Church is comprised of human beings who think as human beings.

Please consider that Moses asked God the Father how we can live with one another on this His good earth.  God gladly accommodated Moses by giving Him the Ten Commandments.  God the Father, because He is Power and Might, does not need to say or do anything twice.  He knows what is needed and gets it right the first time.  God has never once changed His Commandments and Jesus, His Son, affirmed them, and tightened them up a bit while He was here on the earth.  For example, adultery.

Please consider:  God said “Thou shalt not kill.”  He didn’t qualify it – no ifs, ands or buts.  The Fifth Commandment and the other nine Commandments were written in stone.  The thing is the Roman Catholic Church, through its human beings, qualify God’s Commandments. 

The thing is human beings have a way of thinking that says that because I can’t see God, He’ll never know what I do; He’ll never find out.  But He does know, He does find out and eventually we find out that He found out.

Please consider that even if Jesus had established His Church as a corporation or legal entity, God, the Father would be the Chairman of the Board, President, CEO and hold like titles, and Jesus, His Son, would be Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, God’s Mouthpiece, and hold like titles.  The “The Buck Stops Here” sign is on God, the Father’s desk. 

Please consider what law applies to whom:  God’s Law, Canon Law or civil law?

The thing is in every human being whom God has created, from Adam and Eve to the present time, there is a soul.  And although billions and billions of human beings have lived on this His good earth and have returned home to Eternity, there is still plenty of room in Eternity for the souls of human beings currently living on the earth.

Please consider that death is a given.  Everyone dies and every soul returns home to Eternity, to Jesus, the Just Judge.

Please consider:  God, the Father planned parenthood.  God Planned Parenthood   Psalms 127:3*

"Sons are a bounty from Yahweh,
he rewards with descendants: . . .*

The thing is we think as human beings.  And then there are the angels who are more intelligent than we are.  And then there is Jesus, Who has His own way of thinking.  The thing is it can be difficult at times to understand the relationship between God, Jesus and human beings.  And if you want to know why you are here on this His good earth, you must ask your father and your mother, for it is they who worked with God, the Father to bring you here.  And if you have trouble with your father and mother, ask Jesus to help.

“This is how Jesus Christ came to be born.  His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; [footnote omitted] but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.  •Her husband Joseph, being a man of honour and wanting to spare her publicity, decided to divorce her informally.  •He had made up his mind to do this when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit.  •She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save [footnote omitted] his people from their sins.’  . . .  •When Joseph woke up he did what the angel of the Lord had told him to do; he took his wife to his home •and, though he had not had intercourse with her, she gave birth to a son; and he named him Jesus.”  Matthew 1:18-21, 24-251

“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.”  Luke 1:26-271

Both of these gospels state that Mary was “betrothed” to Joseph, which is often interpreted to mean that they were not married before Mary conceived the child Jesus.  The thing is God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and commanded:  “You shall not commit adultery.”  Exodus 20:141

The thing is, would God break His own commandment and have His own Son, Jesus, born out of wedlock?  I think not.

Please consider that Moses asked God the Father how we can live with one another on this His good earth.  God gladly accommodated Moses by giving Him the Ten Commandments.  God the Father, because He is Power and Might, does not need to say or do anything twice.  He knows what is needed and gets it right the first time.  God has never once changed His Commandments and Jesus, His Son, affirmed them, and tightened them up a bit while He was here on the earth.  For example, adultery.

Please consider how human beings interpret the words of the Bible.  If a human being wants to achieve a certain point of view with other human beings, the word “betrothed” is taken in the modern sense to mean that a man and a woman are engaged to be married and that Mary and Joseph were living with each other without the benefit of marriage (also known by some human beings as “living in sin”) and that Mary had a child out of wedlock.  How many mothers and fathers have heard this argument from their child when the child wants to live with a man or a woman before marriage?

Please consider how human beings categorize other human beings.  For example, drug addicts, sex offenders, convicts, ex-convicts, parents, married, single, legitimate, illegitimate, bastards.  Please note that God the Father does not do “illegitimate” or “bastards.”  He can only create good, whole human beings.  Human beings use these categories to set human beings apart from each other for whatever reason.

God the Father thinks in terms of Himself, just as human beings think in terms of their selves.  And so God may think, “All right, you don’t want to be bothered by Me.  That’s not an acceptable idea.  It won’t work.”

Please consider the way God, the Father sees the birth of His Son, Jesus, at Christmas.

The thing is God, the Father is the sort of man human beings tend to look at with a question mark in their eyes:  He’s quiet, unassuming.  He comes to those human beings whom He knows will welcome Him (and if they turn out to be not welcoming, He leaves).  He’s very thoughtful of others.  He’s very likable in His own way and He does have a good sense of humor.  He doesn’t believe in having a lot of beautiful, expensive clothes as might befit a King.  The crown He wears is of the best quality (Eternity has no other), but it’s never overdone or used in a “Look what I’ve got and you don’t and you can’t have it – ever!” sort of way.  He’s just the sort of person human beings dislike mightily.

The thing is we are in God’s world.  Everything is His, made from His own hands.  And in His quiet way, He uses His world to express His happiness, His joy, His pride in the birth of His Son, like every Father.

God used His stars to guide the Three Kings to the Little Town of Bethlehem.  The thing is that although God, the Father could have afforded any amount of money to have His Son, Jesus, born in the most expensive hotel in Jerusalem, He said, “No, the manger in the cave is where I would rather you be born, Son.”  And so it came to pass.

I know that God hears every word, prayer, plea and petition we may send to Him. And I pray that if your prayers, pleas and petitions be in accord with His will and for the salvation of your soul, that He may grant what you may ask of Him. And may He use all for His good, for His is the greater good.

Very respectfully,

*All Biblical quotations are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, Copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. and Doubleday, a Division of Random House, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Printed in the United States of America March 2000  First Doubleday Reader’s Edition.

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