God, the Father’s Idea of Retribution and Racial What? Why are African-Americans’ Skins Black, Brown, etc.?

The thing is we are in God’s world, not He in ours. God, the Father, the most Human of all beings, the Creator of Heaven and earth and of all things, including His Son, the human being called Jesus, is power and might. His love, compassion, temper, retribution, perfection, understanding and free will and all and any other attributes you can name are all in proportion to His power and might.

Consider the original sin. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Paradise, God told them, “Don’t touch that tree.” Adam and Eve said, “Oh, He’ll never know. He’ll never find out.” The next thing Adam and Eve knew they were being put gently back on the earth, looking for something to eat and someplace to live. And they were crying very hard. The original sin? Disobeying God, the Father.

Consider the following paragraphs taken from the book The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, Volume I, From the Visions of the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich, Originally published in 1914 by Desclée, De Brouwer & Co. of Lille, Paris, and Bruges, in conjunction with The Sentinel Press of New York. Reprinted by Academy Library Guild in 1954, and later by Apostolate of Christian Action, both of Fresno, California. Reprinted in 1979 by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc. Retypeset and published again in 1986 by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.

“I saw that Cain conceived on Mount Olivet the design to murder Abel. After the deed, he wandered about the same spot frightened and distracted planting trees and tearing them up again. Then I saw a majestic Figure in the form of a man refulgent with light appear to him. “Cain,” He said, “where is thy brother Abel?” Cain did not at first see the Figure; but when he did, he turned and answered: “I know not. He has not been given in charge to me.” But when God replied that Abel’s blood cried to Him from the earth, Cain grew more troubled, and I saw that he disputed long with God. God told him that he should be cursed upon the earth, that it should bring forth no fruit for him, and that he should forthwith flee from the land in which he then dwelt. Cain responded that everywhere his fellow men would seek to kill him. There were already many people upon the earth. Cain was very old and had children. Abel also left children, and there were other brothers and sisters, the children of Adam. But God replied that it would not be so; that whoever should kill Cain should himself be punished sevenfold, and He placed a sign upon him that no one should slay him. Cain’s posterity gradually became colored. Cham’s children also were browner than those of Sem. The nobler races were always of a lighter color. They who were distinguished by a particular mark engendered children of the same stamp; and as corruption increased, the mark also increased until at last it covered the whole body, and people became darker and darker. But yet in the beginning there were no people perfectly black; they became so only by degrees.”

The thing is a human being might say, “Don’t touch that tree, which cost me $1,000.” Even though another human being might touch that tree, the owner of the tree would probably not be inclined to flood the earth or seek retribution if someone touched the tree (if they could figure out how to do that without causing great trouble for themselves).

God, the Father on the other hand, sees the same problem from His own point of view. He is Power and Might and thinks in terms of Power and Might. When He says don’t do something, He means it. When you don’t listen to Him and disobey Him, you’re looking for trouble. 

The thing is Adam and Eve’s disobedience caused all of their offspring (all human beings) down unto the present time to lose a really good life in the Garden of Paradise. And if you want to know why you are here on the earth, you must ask your mother and your father because it is they who worked with God, the Father to bring you here.

Cain’s descendants were marked – their skin became black and all shades of brown and their skin is still black and all shades of brown, and it does not need to be repeated what the consequences of their skin turning dark has been to them and to all human beings.

The thing is if you are a human being – one head, two arms, two legs, and work the same as every other human being – then you have a soul. And souls are not born with religious affiliations, proclivities or aberrations. And it is the soul which gives life to the human being’s body and which grows with the human being. And when the human being’s body dies, it is the soul which returns home to Jesus Who is in eternity waiting for it.

The thing is every human being has a soul regardless of how that human being looks to other human beings. Every soul goes home to Jesus and every soul answers to Jesus as to how that soul has obeyed the Ten Commandments while it was here on the earth. And it is always one-on-one with Jesus, no stops, no exceptions, no delays.

Please pray that the hearts of those human beings now living on the earth who cannot see human beings as human beings, may be granted that sight from Heaven so that their hearts may be softened and so that peace may return to the human beings who live in this world.

God bless you.

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