Where in the World is God?!!!

Please consider that we are in God’s world, not He in ours.  And please consider that God, the Father is the most human of all beings, Who has a rather down-to-earth way of thinking, especially about the physical matter of His earth. 

And please consider that God can create only good and Jesus, His Son, can do only good.  The thing is if you do ask for something that God and/or Jesus cannot do, just ask Them to use all for Their good, for Theirs is the greater good.

Please consider the Bible story where Jesus used God, the Father’s good earth to cure a blind man.  “Having said this, he spat on the ground, made a paste with the spittle, put this over the eyes of the blind man, and said to him, ‘Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam*[Footnote omitted] (a name that means ‘sent’).  So the blind man went off and washed himself, and came away with his sight restored.”  John 9:6-7*  The thing is God, the Father may sometimes consider, perhaps a little too much for our good, what we have against His good earth and being here.  And in His most Human of All Beings way lets us know where we stand with Him. 

Please consider the television show, “Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers S01-E01 The Ganges,” which premiered on April 8, 2018 on the Animal Planet television station.  Mr. Wade, a biologist and avid fisherman, was doing some research on the River Ganges in India.  He visited the Holy City of Varanasi, revered by Buddhists and Hindus.  Mr. Wade began his research on the Ganges River at Varanasi by testing a sample of the river water, which proved to be full of e coli material, that is, full of human waste.  According to the documentary, for religious reasons, 50,000 pilgrims bathe in the Ganges River at this spot each day.  And the very holy Buddhists and Hindus are deeply offended when someone notes the contaminated condition of the river water.

In the documentary, Mr. Wade was stopped by a Holy Man of the City who helped others purify themselves in the River and requested that Mr. Wade also purify himself.  Because Mr. Wade follows the customs and practices of the places he visits, and because he did not wish to offend the people of this place, he agreed to follow the Holy Man and the strict ritual of purification which accompanies bathing in the Ganges.  Mr. Wade completely immersed himself three times in the River.  He then had to take three drinks of water from the River, swallowing each drink completely.  After he had done these things, Mr. Wade commented that he felt quite refreshed.  And he added that time would tell if he suffered any ill effects from drinking the water.  (None were reported during the remainder of the show.)

The thing is God, the Father, the Most Human of All Beings, is still caring for His good earth and in particular the human beings who are living on it.  And so carefully and quietly that we almost don’t notice.  The thing is no matter how hard we try, human beings just can’t seem to destroy what God has created.  The most horrifying thing is we keep trying to mass destroy each other. 

Please consider God’s good earth.  The thing is we are in God’s world, that is, the physical world we live in, meaning the bricks and stones which comprise the walls of a prison, all are made with God’s good materials from the earth.  The thing is we would not ordinarily consider bricks or dirt, etc. to be alive.  Jesus said, “• . . . have you never read what God himself said to you:  I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? [Footnote omitted]  God is God, not of the dead, but of the living.’”  Matthew 22:31-32*

The thing is when human beings start to upset the balance of life, especially where you are now living, the best way to get back at them is to say the “Prayer Guaranteed To Quiet a Human Being”.  I use it often, especially when walking in New York City or walking past a jail or prison in any city.  It’s also a helpful prayer to say when you have to say “Good morning” to someone who may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed (and you don’t really want to say “Good morning” to anyway).

The thing is there is no such place as a Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, Muslim, Christian, etc. Heaven.  The occupants of Heaven are souls who were once in human beings living on the earth.

Heaven is populated with souls, and the thing is if we can’t live with each other here on the earth, then how on earth can we live with each other in His Heaven.  Now is the time to put some thought into Eternity and to ask Jesus before we die, how to settle our accounts with Him so that our souls can go right back home to His Heaven.

The thing is if you want to know why you are here in this world, you must ask your father and your mother, for it is they who worked with God, the Father to bring you here.

*All Biblical quotations are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, Copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. and Doubleday, a Division of Random House, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Printed in the United States of America March 2000 First Doubleday Reader’s Edition.

Copyright Bernardette Grant, 2019 All Rights Reserved

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