There is no Same Sex Anything

Please consider that no human being has power over any other human being. No man has power over any other man and no man answers to any other man, only to God. And please remember that we are in God’s world, not He in ours.

Please consider: Are you a human being? One head, two arms, two legs and work the same as every other human being? When God the Father creates a new human being, He gives that human being a soul. And souls are not born with religious affiliations, proclivities or aberrations. And it is the soul which gives life to the human being’s body and which grows with the human being’s body.

And when the human being’s body dies, it is the soul which returns home to Eternity. And we become our souls and return home to Jesus Who is in Eternity waiting for the soul. Souls are immortal and live forever in Eternity. And God the Father runs Eternity according to His rules which do not always agree with man’s ideas of the way a kingdom should be run.

Same sex anything doesn’t work, either in Heaven or on the earth, for souls are not born with proclivities, aberrations or religious affiliations. If you want to know why you have proclivities or aberrations, you must ask Jesus, for at some time in your life you took a wrong turn.

Consider: God has built in to all human beings the love of a father and a mother, hence the Fourth Commandment, Honor thy father and thy mother. When a father and/or mother finds out they are going to have a child which they do not want, but cannot abort or otherwise rid themselves of, they close themselves off from the child. As the child grows, he or she notices the lack of communication and/or feeling between them and his or her parents.

When the child reaches the teenage years, or earlier, he or she is probably so angry, frustrated and fed up with trying to please or communicate with his or her father and mother with no success, he or she takes a wrong turn and says, “If you won’t love me, then I’ll find someone who will. I’ll show you.” And the child does.

Consider: The child finds someone to love him or her and he or she calls his or her parents to share the good news. They arrange a time for the child to bring his or her fiancée to meet them and to help them plan their wedding. The parents gladly acquiesce to the child’s request, perhaps breathing a sigh of relief, and say “Thank Heaven he or she has found someone. Now we will have some peace.” and start to forget they even have a son or a daughter.

Imagine the parents’ surprise when the fiancée turns out to be someone of the same sex. The child is sure that because he or she is involved with someone of the same sex, retribution will be his or hers. Who will tell their very conservative relations about this wedding much less send them a wedding invitation? How will the mother and/or father react to the happy news?

The thing is, every human being has a soul, and death is a given for every human being, no matter how they may die. I truly wish and hope and pray the hearts of those human beings now living on the earth who cannot see human beings as human beings, may be granted that sight from Heaven so that their hearts may be softened and all those who truly believe in same-sex anything may come to know that there is no such thing. There is only a great loss of love in their lives which love was taken from them, most likely at a very young age.

And please pray that every individual may find that when they walk along in the world and take a wrong turn of looking for love with a person of the same sex and fall off the road, that they may note that God will gently pick them up and gently put them back on the road. And Jesus will walk with them back up the road they walked down, take them to the turning and set them on the right path. And as many times as they fall off the road, so will God gently pick them up and gently put them back on the road. And Jesus will walk with them back up the road they walked down, take them to the turning and set them on the right path. And They will keep them on the right path until their soul goes home to heaven.*

May all the souls of every human being who has been categorized by human beings as “lesbian” or “gay” come to know that God the Father only creates true, genuine, original human beings, who begin their existence with Him in Eternity and who end their existence with Him in Eternity. In Eternity where there are no proclivities or aberrations.

Please pray that God, the Father and Jesus may walk with all of those parents who have seen or heard their children declare themselves to be gay or lesbian, back up the road they walked down to the point of turning. And may They keep them all on the right path until their souls return home to His Heaven. Amen

*Please see “All Souls Home to Heaven”
© Bernardette Grant 2010, 2016

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