The American Bishops, the CRS and Our Lady of America

The following is a letter mailed to the United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) on 11/19/13.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 Fourth Street NE
Washington, DC 20017

Re: The USCCB and Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Dear Bishops:

At Sunday Mass on November 17, 2013, an announcement was made that “at the direction of the Bishop, a second collection would be taken next Sunday for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. The proceeds of the collection will be given to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) for distribution to the Philippine victims of the storm.

The USCCB has been backing the CRS organization for some years. The website (Population Research Institute) notes that the United States government gives CRS 70% of their annual revenue through USAID, the world’s largest promoter of contraception, sterilization, and abortion. To support this fact, the Population Research Institute gives the website for the 2012 CRS annual report. The thing is, to be funded by the United States government in any proportion means that you have to accept their terms and conditions.

Consider the Individual whom the Bishops represent on the earth: His name is Jesus. Remember Jesus? You are saying, “Jesus says and these are His teachings.” You are telling me, in the name of Jesus, that I must support abortion, become pro-choice, because you say so. Thankfully, I know to listen to Jesus.

Consider the human being called Caiaphas, the High Priest who manipulated everyone to have Jesus, the human being put to death. The thing is Caiaphas was a human being whose human being’s body eventually died, for death is a given for every human being. Have you ever wondered how Caiaphas felt when his soul went back home to Jesus for the very last time and stood before Jesus, the Just Judge, for judgment? Can you imagine what Jesus must have felt when Caiaphas stood before Him? What did Jesus say: “Hello, Caiaphas.”

What part of “Thou shalt not kill” don’t you understand? What part of Jesus’ teachings don’t you get? Why are you in the Holy Roman Catholic Church which Jesus established? 

Consider what to do about this whole matter: Defund the Bishops and the USCCB, and disband the USCCB.

And why have you not permanently enshrined the statue of Our Lady of America in her basilica as she asked of you over 55 years ago?

Based on the above, I cannot say that you are un-American. But I can certainly say that based on the above, you are anti-Christ.

Sincerely yours,

June 21, 2014

The following was written in response to the latest e-mail received regarding the enshrinement of Our Lady of America in Her Basilica in Washington, D.C. The following paragraphs are taken from the website, Copyright © 2014 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate - All Rights Reserved and are Our Lord's words to Sister Mary Ephrem at Our Lady of America:

“February 1959

“On February 23, 1959, Our Lady came to me and admonished me to work on the "message'' as soon as possible so that it might be placed in the hands of the Bishops who would be responsible for its fulfillment.

“In a very serious manner Our Lady warned me that I must not delay any longer to do this, as the time is now.

“July 18, 1959

"Oh, the pride of souls! How they resist my grace! O My priests, My religious, what would I not do for you if you would only let me? I come daily laden with graces which you daily refuse.

"What am I to say of you, my best beloved? How long will you resist My love? It is from you I expect everything, and you give Me but the husks of your affections.

"How long will I bear with you, O My chosen ones? How long will you spurn My approaches?

"My little white dove, it was this ingratitude on the part of My priests and My religious that caused Me so much sorrow in my passion.

"Oh, how they resist My grace! How they fight against My love! So fearful are they that I will deprive them of their tawdry trinkets that they turn their backs lest they see the reproach in My eyes."

Bottom line: The Pope, all the Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals, Monsignors are all priests. All priests are human beings and all human beings have souls.

In the book The Way of Divine Love, by Sister Josefa Menéndez, Reprinted by arrangement with the copyright holder: Sands & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., 79 Larmans Road, Enfield, Middlesex, England 1949. Copyright © 1972 by TAN Books & Publishers, Inc. (Pocketbook Edition), Jesus uses the prayers, sacrifices, penances and sufferings of His religious to save souls, especially those of His priests. 

When a priest or other religious strays from Jesus, he takes many souls with him. Rather than worry about so many souls going astray, why not do as Sister Josefa Menéndez did: pray, sacrifice, do penance and give all your sufferings to Jesus for the safe return of a soul who is straying from Him? You do not need to be of any religion at all to do this. The thing is if you are a human being – one head, two arms, two legs and work the same as every other human being – then you have a soul. And souls are not born with religious affiliations, proclivities or aberrations. The thing is, a prayer to God is a prayer to God, no matter who offers it, where, when why or how – a prayer to God is still a prayer to God.

Here is another good way to ask God the Father to help save those souls going astray. It was told to me by a priest that there are two times during the Mass when our sacrifices may be joined with the priest’s offering of the Holy Sacrifice. The first time is when the priest offers the bread – the hosts to be used during the Mass – at the Offertory. The second time is at the Consecration when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. Say at either or both times: “I offer to You, God, as part of this Holy Sacrifice, [the Bishop of my diocese] or anyone whom you may have in mind to include as part of the Holy Sacrifice.

Certainly the bishops of the United States are in sore need of prayer. By their support of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), they are leading many souls astray. When the human being’s body dies, the soul can’t go home to Jesus and explain to Him that “The devil made me do it” or “The bishop made me do it.” Nor will a bishop be standing by a soul when the soul is facing Jesus for judgment. It is always the soul and Jesus, one-on-one. 

Anyway, please keep praying that the Enshrinement of the statue of Our Lady of America may come to be as soon as possible, like next week sometime would be very convenient. God bless you. 

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