Response to Facebook Remark: The Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted Jesus

Oh, horror!  Oh, outrage!  Oh, nuts!

Consider:  The human beings called Joseph, Mary and Jesus – sometimes referred to as The Holy Family – because they were human beings and actually lived on the earth (which the above Facebook comment acknowledges); and lived and died long before any of the human beings who are here on the earth today did, the “modern day” thinking is that they can supposedly be talked about in any way an individual wants to talk about them.

Consider:  We are in God’s world, not He in ours.  And if you do not agree with that statement, then how do you see God? 

Consider:  The lovely image of Our Lady of America, for she is the person to whom you are referring. 

Consider:  The Virgin Mary was a very holy lady, very intelligent (she could read and write at age four), and sought entrance to, and was accepted into service at the Temple in Jerusalem at four years of age.  She lived, worked and prayed in the Temple until she was fourteen years old when she was discharged.  She did not want to leave Temple service but the High Priest decreed that she should be married to someone from the Line of David.  After some searching, Joseph, the person whom God the Father chose to be Jesus’s virgin father, came forward.  Joseph and Mary did as they were asked and were married in the Temple in Jerusalem.

Consider that God the Father always keeps His promises and when He promised Adam and Eve a Messiah, a Redeemer, a Savior of the World (however you may or may not understand the why or wherefore of His promise), He kept His promise.  God created His son, Jesus, just as He creates every human being, gave Jesus His soul and placed Him in His Mom’s tummy (the Virgin Mary’s womb).  The thing is Jesus was not born as the result of the union of Mary and Joseph.  Jesus, the human being, was a direct descendant of God the Father.

Consider:  That the soul is what it’s all about.  Each and every human being has a soul and when each and every human being’s body dies (and death is a given), the human being’s soul goes home to Jesus (Mother Mary’s Son), the Just Judge, Who is in Eternity waiting for the soul to return. 

Consider:  Those human beings who have made that most offensive remark about the Virgin Mary die and their souls return home to Jesus in Eternity.  Consider that Jesus loved and loves His Mother very much.  And here is this poor soul standing in front of Jesus trying to explain his or her point of view.  I don’t think so. 

Remember Jesus, the human being, to Whom God gave His soul, and Jesus the human being Who was crucified and “with a loud cry, gave up His ghost” (His soul)?  Please recall every human being’s soul is immortal and lives forever somewhere in Eternity.  And every soul goes home to Jesus, and when Jesus speaks, God the Father speaks.  Amen.

© 2010 Bernardette Grant

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