Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Souls Home to Heaven


Do you have a treasure? Someone or something you love and that is never far from your mind or your sight? You don’t have to tell me what it is — keep it for yourself.

Well, God created the world – our physical world that we live in – as His great work of Creation.

“For he set every star in its place and named every one of them,
“And He set His Angels to watch over all.”

And God created Adam and Eve – one man human being and one woman human being. And He set them gently on His brand-new earth and told them that they had to be very careful with the earth because it had to last them a long, long time. And they were.

And God still creates human beings the same way, and human beings still look the same way – one head, two arms, two legs – and they still work the same way. And it still takes one man human being and one woman human being to create one new human being.

And when God creates a human being, He gives each new human being a soul. And souls are not born with religious affiliations, proclivities or aberrations. The soul grows with the human being and gives its body life and when it has finished its time on the earth, it goes straight home to God in His heaven. For a soul naturally follows its Creator.

And it is the soul which answers to Our Lord, Jesus, when it returns to Him at the death of the human being’s body, which remains on the earth. The soul has understanding and free will and we are judged according to the Ten Commandments and how we have obeyed them.

At the Last Judgment, when God will put His world away (and we pray that God will end the world for His reasons and not for anything that we human beings have done to make Him want to end it), the body of every human being from Adam and Eve to the end of time will be reunited with its soul in Heaven. For the body is sacred to God because it housed the soul while the soul was on His earth.

And so, like your treasure, God too has a treasure. And like you, He is never very far from His treasure. And we, the human beings of His creation, are His greatest treasure.

And God created the Angels. And one-third of the Angels told God that they would not obey Him. And God said, “Uh-Uh, not in My Heaven.” And He sent them from His heaven.

And the devil was banished from Heaven with all of the angels who followed him. And where once the angels were so beautiful, they are now ugly – and are blamed for everything that goes wrong in the world. The thing is, have you ever seen a devil or a demon in the world? We only see human beings. And when they are being so difficult and hard to understand, look to the Ten Commandments.

And the thing is that God created Lucifer, or the devil or Satan, or whatever name you may know him by, and if you ask God to hold the devil in His one Hand and you in His other Hand so that you can walk with God in His ways of holiness, He will. Amen.

And it is true that the devil never sleeps, but Heaven is open 24/7.

It is also true that when we live in someone else’s home, or in their state or country, there are usually rules or laws to follow. However, because we live in God’s world, and not He in ours, we must follow His rules, which are The Ten Commandments. The same rules God gave to Moses, which Jesus affirmed when He was on the earth. They’re pretty basic rules and cover everything we do on the earth.

And if a human being creates a rule or law that is contrary to God’s Commandments, then the human being’s law may not be followed. For God is over all and we are in His world and must follow His rules.

And how do we keep the Ten Commandments? We ask Jesus, God’s Son, to help us.

Who is Jesus? Jesus is the baby born to Mary and Joseph at Christmas in a cave in Bethlehem. And He grew to be an adult and He was killed by the people who lived where He did because they did not like Him and would not live with Him. But He rose from the dead and He is still with us and speaks to us from Eternity.

How do we speak to Jesus? With our very best manners, and always, always, always say Please and Thank You. And if you just say His name – Jesus – He will come to you and let you know He is with you.

But the thing is to hear Jesus, your mind must be at quiet and at rest, for He speaks to us in our mind as a human being speaks one to the other. The thing is that we think with the minds of human beings and Jesus has His own way of thinking.

You may remember that the past is done and it cannot be changed or undone and so we must leave it to His mercy – And ask that He use all for His Good. (Why for His Good? Because His is the greater Good.)

And the future we may not know, and must leave it to His Divine Providence.

And that leaves us in the Present Time – which is where Our Lord, Jesus, is. For He is Yahweh – I AM. For He and the Father are as One. And He will speak to you in the quiet of your mind.

And to put your mind at quiet and rest, it might be helpful to note that because the past is done, we don’t have to worry too much about it and the future we may not know, so we don’t have to worry about the future. Which leaves us in the Present Time with Jesus.

It is also helpful to quiet your mind by breathing through your diaphragm (as a singer does), or relaxing your body’s “center,” your tummy, solar plexus region, gut, belly, breadbasket, etc.

Sometimes something will happen in our lives, and our minds become very upset over the event, which becomes a part of the past. And we start to worry about the consequences of what happened, which are in the future. The thing is the event is in the past, and it cannot be changed or undone and we may not know what the consequences of the event will be. So you must quiet your mind and put all of these thoughts to rest so that you may hear Jesus speak to you.

And because we are human beings with our own way of thinking, we may want or expect a certain response from Jesus and become so involved in what we expect to hear, that we cannot hear what He is saying.

Or we may want something so badly, that we think only of what we want, and we cannot hear Jesus’ response.

And since God can do only good, He can create only good.

And when we present our prayers, pleas and petitions to Jesus, ask that He may grant them that they be in accord with His Will and for the salvation of your soul, for He knows what is truly in your heart and what you truly want and need, for He will grant what is asked of Him, and ask that He may use all for His good, for His is the greater good. Amen.

And when we walk along in the world and find that we have taken a wrong turn (too much alcohol, drugs, etc.) and fallen off the road, then God will gently pick us up and gently put us back on the road. And Jesus will walk with us back up the road we walked down, take us to the turning and set us on the right path. And as many times as we fall off the road, so will God gently pick us up and gently put us back on the road. And Jesus will walk with us back up the road we walked down, take us to the turning and set us on the right path. And They will keep us on the right path until the soul goes home to heaven.

Pray for the fallen angels that they may be reunited with God in His heaven and be restored to their beauty and holiness.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, help us to keep Thy Commandments, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy love and compassion and help. Amen.


© 2010 Bernardette Grant