Jesus Wears a Do-Rag

Jesus Wears a Do-Rag

Yes, it’s true – Jesus has a gang and He wears a do-rag. What color?  White with a white Cross on it.
Now I can say that some gangs can be pretty tough.  But why would a human being person, very often a little child, want to join a gang?  He or she is looking for some place to belong.  Their parents have not wanted them in their homes, no one wants them and more importantly, no one loves them.  So along comes someone – a very kindly man, a friend who is looking for human beings of all ages to join his gang – and says “Let’s do it!”  The thing is gangs can become very unfriendly very fast and the love which the person/human being/child was looking for cannot be found.
But in Jesus’s gang the love which was being sought is often the first thing found, and total and complete acceptance into the gang is guaranteed.
Gang members can wear white do-rags.  Other colors of do-rags for Jesus’s gang members can be any color of the sky, from very light blue to navy blue, to the deep blue of the night sky.  Any color from the sky including rosy pink, pink, golden yellow, etc., can be used for a do-rag.  And a cross tucked in somewhere or worn to be seen is fine.
As Leader of His gang, Jesus rides a motorcycle and God, His Father, rides with Him wearing His do-rag.  They both ride barefoot.
What does Jesus look like?  As He appeared as "Divine Mercy," without the red and pale rays emanating from His heart, dressed in a plain white garment.  What does He say?  "Anything you can do, I can do.  Let's go!"
And then it must be remembered that members of all gangs, including Jesus’s gang, are human beings; all human beings have souls and all souls go home to Heaven!  And Jesus, as Leader of His gang, and wearing His do-rag, will lead all souls home to Heaven!  You just must ask Jesus if you can join His gang.
And how do we speak to Jesus?  With our very best manners, and always, always, always say Please and Thank You.  And if you just say His name – Jesus – He will come to you and let you know He is with you.
But the thing is to hear Jesus, your mind must be at quiet and at rest, for He speaks to us in the quiet and privacy of our own mind as a human being speaks one to the other.
It is helpful to quiet your mind by breathing through your diaphragm (as a singer does), or relaxing your body’s “center,” your tummy, breadbasket, abdomen, solar plexus region, gut, belly, etc.  And if your mind is too worked up and cannot be quiet, then just ask Jesus to quiet your mind so that you may hear Him speak.
So come, join, see!  Find the love and all that you have been looking for in Jesus’s gang!
© 2010 Bernardette Grant

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